
Bug: Nee game sound no longer plays

When rematch is accepted and the new game starts,... all of a sudden there is no longer the little 'ding'.

Also another bug related to new game... the 'bing' sound of starting a new game plays immediately upon joining a lobby hame instead of the normal timing of when the board is drawn.
This has been previously mentioned in the forums multiple times. For example, see here:

I don't have anything more insightful to say than that the numerous reports makes it likely this is receiving attention (not that this required multiple reports, though).

In the meantime, I suggest using this as a precious moment to more deeply appreciate your dings and bings.
Apologies for all the typos. Thr post was done right as I was getting to bed... very dark, low brightness...

But anyway.. thanks for pointing out the other thread. It does look like it's driving some other people nuts as well. Some people are very susceptible to sudden change especially audible. While it's a minor annoyance for me, I could see someone whose further on the spectrum being driven completely mad by a change like this.

I will take some deep through today to appreciate properly working dings and bings.

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