
Should Homework Be Banned?

@LeoisnOtgood said in #8:
> I think it should be reduced not banned but honesty if u pay attention in class home works useless u already know everything
@LeoisnOtgood said in #8:
> Я думаю, что его надо сократить, а не запретить, но честность, если обратить внимание в классе, домашние работы бесполезны, вы уже все знаете
Я домашнюю работу выполнял на 1⁄10, работал рабочим, на пенсии выполняю свой долг перед людьми. Лучше домашнее задание выполнять, хотя успех не гарантирован.
Homework plays a crucial role in the educational system, providing students with opportunities to reinforce and apply what they have learned in the classroom. Assigning homework helps students develop essential skills such as time management, responsibility, and self-discipline. It allows them to independently review and practice concepts, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Homework also serves as a bridge between school and home, encouraging parental involvement in a child's education. By completing assignments at home, students can explore topics at their own pace, catering to individual learning styles and needs. Additionally, homework prepares students for the demands of higher education and the workforce, where self-directed learning and responsibility are vital. While it is essential to strike a balance and ensure that homework is purposeful and manageable, an outright ban could potentially deprive students of valuable learning experiences and hinder their academic and personal development.
Yes, should never have been allowed, Home is Home
And if they need to give homework than the system has failed, as there's a time and a place for everything. :).
As we are learning how to work and do our best, it's best to learn to do our work in different settings.

The engineer starts in the drafting room, goes and take measurements in the 'wild,' then needs to go back to the drafting room to make adjustments.

You can imagine, if that engineer has already been working for 12 hours and has a baby at home, or even a dog, he would be well-served by the ability to take his work home and achieve satisfactory results while still getting needed rest.

It's not so different for the musician, the programmer, or even the chef.

If home's only for dicking around and not doing anything worthwhile, no one should ever go home!
Should be 100% illegal for anyone over the age of 18. I’m a grown ass adult, I’m not doing your ducking homework.
@Mrchess78 said in #13:
> Yes, should never have been allowed, Home is Home
> And if they need to give homework than the system has failed, as there's a time and a place for everything. :).

Agreed lol I'm home-schooled so all my work is homework :) but hey I'm not complaining i don't have to go to schoolXD
I dont understand this idea of banning HW:
If students dont practice the skills they are learning, how do they get to the point where they can use them?
If no HW and students need to learn skills, the alternative is the 'flipped classroom' where students watch video lectures at nite and do HW in class. But this [bandwagon idea] failed [and students hated it].

The 2 worst ways to learn are listening passively and rereading and highlighting notes. The best way is intense doing.

I do think most HW is just busy work and not directed at perfecting skills. Pointless busy work, in class and at home, should be banned. HW that is designed to practice and perfect skills is essential.

My experience, Bill
@swimmerBill said in #19:
> I dont understand this idea of banning HW:
> If students dont practice the skills they are learning, how do they get to the point where they can use them?
> If no HW and students need to learn skills, the alternative is the 'flipped classroom' where students watch video lectures at nite and do HW in class. But this [bandwagon idea] failed [and students hated it].
> The 2 worst ways to learn are listening passively and rereading and highlighting notes. The best way is intense doing.
> I do think most HW is just busy work and not directed at perfecting skills. Pointless busy work, in class and at home, should be banned. HW that is designed to practice and perfect skills is essential.
> My experience, Bill

Why can't we practice the skills we are learning at home?

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