
Lichess mobile chat


I'm on lichess mobile all the time (on a ipad air 2) and i don't have the chat evit talk with my opponent ! Is it normal ?


Sorry for my very bad english, i'm french
I think It's a problem with the display.

The drawing of the site is to huge for the screen. And the bottom lines of the site are often not visible.

Thank you very much.
Because we're working on a mobile app that includes chat.
I play on my phone and everything work quite well.
There are some thing to improve like chat and replay (the buttons are too small, it could be solved by being able to click on the left of the board to go one move backward and on the right to go forward ).

But these are minor problems and I think an app is overkill.

What use case makes you consider an app worthwhile?
The fact that very little on the lichess app is optimised for mobile use and that you're complaining that the lichess interface isn't ideal for a mobile device.

It's probably not so bad for you because you're using a device with a 5" full HD display, but most people do not have that luxury.
Well, I guess you're right. I just though it was easier to improve on the web interface to make it more optimised for mobile than to write an app. As for the size of the screen I don't see how making an app will make a bigger screen.

But since you are the one writing the code it's your call and I am already satisfied as many other lichess users by the interface.

Thanks for you quick response though
Thanks you for you answer

Do you have a date for the launcher of the mobile app' ?
It's a cool idee, thanks


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