
Chess960 Bug

Hello. I am not entirely sure what was wrong, but there was a bug of some sort in 960 position 900. I castled queenside as Black, and it momentarily worked, but then my moved over a square while my Rook went back to the corner. For the rest of the game, I couldn't move the weird rook from a1 anywhere, nor could I place any piece on d1. My opponent graciously accepted a draw, but they were able to castle queenside perfectly only a few moves later. Here is the link to the game:

I will also take this spot to add that I really appreciate what Lichess does and the features it makes available at no cost. It would be much harder for a person like myself to enjoy their passion for chess without the great work Lichess does.
It was not fixed 15 min ago. After castling rook doesn't move on the board. Ctrl+F5 after castling helps.

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