
Topic suggestions for a new NONFICTION novel

Novelize your posts from the last 3 days, and you'll have enough material to make Stephen King blush
@clousems said in #11:
> Novelize your posts from the last 3 days, and you'll have enough material to make Stephen King blush
A novel is always fiction by definition.

Novel: a fictitious prose narrative of book length ,typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.
Of course, it's also true that In Cold Blood was touted under the new genre "Nonfiction Novel."
@MrPushwood said in #15:
> Of course, it's also true that In Cold Blood was touted under the new genre "Nonfiction Novel."
I don't like the title of that... makes my blood chill to the core...
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Capote was one of a kind .
Which kind I'm not really sure.

Mr. Pushwood is correct there is a genre called nonfiction novel. So I guess you can call it want you want.
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