
Player statistics by elo level on the lichess website

I would like to have complete statistics of all players on the site for elo.
What you show me is not a complete list of players by elo or glyco as you want in the series.And you only show me your personal rating
The comment at #3 was not just some whim. Elo is FIDE ratings; Glicko is online. They are separate.
My God, the question was not what kind of rating calculation system . And the fact that there are no complete statistics of all players according to the rating calculation system on this site, only the first hundred players are there.
"My God, the question was not what kind of rating calculation system."

Well, apparently it should've been then. You seem to be asking what everybody's FIDE ratings are (a separate question from the ratings here).
You also seem to be one of these guys who TUs their own comment (hey, at least somebody agrees with you).
<Comment deleted by user>

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