
Insert picture jpg in forum?

Is it possible to insert a photograph in a forum post. I tried and I could not. It's about diagrams.

I'm sure it can be done but I'm not a computer genius.

You need to upload it to a website, first. Something like Imgur. Then just copy/paste the link plain-text.
Thanks @MrCharles . I'll try. Although I don´t understand at all.
There is no virus on my computer. These things in other webs I do sending from my folder of images. A URL could have a virus. I better not give ideas :)
Please step away from the computer, or phone, or tablet, or whatever it is you use to connect to the internet. Back away very slowly, and try not to break anything.

Walk over to a neighbor's house and ask for some help.

Not help with this single task.

You need help with the absolute basics. A chess forum is not a good place for the kind of help you need. For that matter, this is the "Feedback" forum -- feedback about LiChess, not technical support, not a help forum. This kind of post belongs in the "Off-Topic" forum, not "feedback." In fact, your question belongs in the FAQ section, since it is a question about how to accomplish something, and, for that matter -- this very question has been asked and answered at least 4 or 5 times that I'm aware of, both in the forums, and in the FAQ.

In relation to his mockery in the last post I want to declare that:

- I am a Honduran man (older than younger).

- About 2 years ago I became interested in chess.

- The economic crash of '08 caused me a lot of suffering.

- In Tegucigalpa I lost family, friends, my land crops, harvest, my dogs (Andrés and Teodora), my cats (Marcelo, Wilfredo, Baldomero, Cayo, Nicanor, Esiquio, Fulgencio, Lázaro, Leoncio, Colombo, Macario, Probo, Otilia, Rigoberto, Esiquio, Venancio, and Rita), my 2 sheep (Margarita and Lucinda).

- When I leave the hospital for some illness (either my family or my) the bills are so expensive that I feel like I've left a luxury hotel in Montecarlo.

- I sent a son of mine (minor) to live a few days in a juvenile government center when I knew that he had a gun. He changed it for a box full of comics.

- I do not know if you are white. Me, an Amerindian. Poor, but honest. Maybe (if you are Anglo-Saxon) are more clever than Hispanics, but remember: Bobby Fischer said that blacks should return to Africa, whites to Europe and we stay in "our continent".

- Here in Chicago, I try to improve my life and Latins. It is true that in the Uncle Sam´s land, I have had more hardship than joys.

- I do not hold a grudge for his words. As a good Catholic, I forgive him. And I do not expect him to go to hell. I will not have a great intelligence, nor studies, nor a good house, nor a lot of money in the bank but I will continue being humble and kind, my soul will never have falsehood (like Donald Trump´s hair).

Best wishes.

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