
Does anyone have a good joke to tell?

What happened to the cheetah that fell into the washing machine???

It came out spotless!
"What's it like where you are now?" the friend asked.
"What do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news?"
"Tell me the good news first."
"Well, it's really heaven here. There are tournaments and blitz sessions going on all the time. Morphy, Alekhine, Lasker, Tal, Capablanca, Botvinnik, they're all here, and you can play them."
"Fantastic!" the friend said, "and what's the bad news?"
"You have Black against Capablanca on Saturday."
what did the duck put in its taco - quackacamole
how did harry potter go down the hill - u think broom - Jk ROLLING
what did the plane say to the other plane - it is plane simple

How can the sheep govern the farm ?

Playing with the black sheep, in order to perform chessmocrazy !
I have quite a few.

Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?
He won the No-bell prize.

Did you hear the rumour about the butter?
Well, I'm not going to spread it.

What's Nelly the Elephant's middle name?

How do drowned people clean themselves?
They wash up on the shore.

Who are the world's fastest readers?
The guys in 911. They went thru 80 storeys at a shot.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Cos the cow jumped over the moon.

Why do elephants have trunks?
They'd look weird with suitcases

Why was Snape stand in the middle of the road?
Didn't know which side to be on.

I stayed up all night thinking where the sun went?
Then it dawned on me.

How do you make an octopus laugh?
With ten-tickles

Why did Crabbe and Goyle cross the road?
They were following Malfoy of course.
In the 80s, A&W wanted to challenge the McDonald's Quarter Pounder by introducing a 1/3 pounder at about the same price. It ended up failing because Americans thought 1/3 was smaller than 1/4.

My conclusion: Americans suck at fractions.
I made this joke because I was bored too:

What did the fart say to the piece of poo when it missed 15 basketball shots in a row?
Answer: You stink!

Wacky plot twist: the piece of poo says, "You do too, what a bad odor!"


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