
I made the Last Move in this game, yet was adjudicated as having "Lost on Time" ?

Is this one of the glitches that occurs when Lichess has to restart ?

I played 18....Q X c4 with over 13 minutes left on my clock, then waited around for either my opponent to move or for the computer to tell me he had left the game. Neither occured, so I sat for the 14 minutes it took for HIS clock to run down. Then the auto - response adjudicated the game as 1-0 and a loss on time for Black. My opponent told me both in chat and in personal messages that I'd made the last move --- and he later mentioned that he was off surfing the net or he would have resigned. That's fine, I have no problem with him -- he was polite about it. But why did the system do that? During the game I did see the banner at the bottom, "Warning, Lichess will restart in 5 minutes" , which I've seen in the past without it ever affecting any of my games.
The system recorded your move as taking exactly as long as the time left on your clock.

It must be some server restart error, will be interesting to see what the mods say. I have not seen this error before.

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