
Antichess 960

I know Antichess is not big on priority list and that lichess team has more important matters to deal with, However I also think the antichess community is growing exponentially, and we who have been playing from the beginning feel its time for an extention of this amazing variant.

So I would like to request Antichess 960 on behalf of my myself and many fans of this variant. I know it would make many of us very happy. I hope you can consider adding this variant.

Im not rich or anything but i would donate 40 usd "on my part" to the person who adds this variant just cuz i think its worth it ^^
Antichess is interesting and creative variant and antichess960 can be more exciting for the players who has already mastered GM level in regular antichess.

I don't play antichess much yet but I think that the difference with antichess vs antichess960 is like with chess vs chess960.

So it would certainly increase the freedom of creativity and fun for elite antichess players.

I don't know if variant 960 will be implemented soon (if ever), but in the meantime, there is a workaround if you want to do it with friends: create a Study, add your opponent as contributor, and add a chapter for your variant with scrambled pieces. Then you can play your game.
@Programfox I like that idea :), and it could probably work. However theres the matter of crowd and tournaments. Having it as a variant means all players has access to it and we can compete in tournaments, as well as send challenges with just a click. Setting up a study is a great idea, but i think in the long run it might present some difficulties.
Anti 960 is a good idea as long as there are no starting positions that are clearly white win or black win which a human can memorize.
I totally like the idea. Anti is an interesting varient and 960 makes it more enjoyable.
Good idea
like a fan of suicide chess .. im totally agree with this idea .. ty dragon-lord for u idea and your support
Seems to be a great idea, tho it isn't clear yet whether there will be substantial favor to one side or the other, creating a very unbalanced, or even a complete loss, situation from the beginning.

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