
Can someone please identify this classical piece?

@vellarco said in #10:
> say... are you new to classical?

Nope, I just have a bad memory. I'm sure I've heard the name of that one before.
Lately I've been listening to a lot of satie. His gymnopedies are so relaxing. That's the kind that I especially like.
@Linspiring said in #11:
> Nope, I just have a bad memory. I'm sure I've heard the name of that one before.
> Lately I've been listening to a lot of satie. His gymnopedies are so relaxing. That's the kind that I especially like. Excellent for listening to and doing work that requires concentration. But if the
i recommend 1812 overture, its a nice soft piece with totally no cannons
@vellarco said in #13:
> i recommend 1812 overture, its a nice soft piece with totally no cannons
That's one that I love to pump the volume way up, especially near the climax and just give myself over to the raputre of the song's energy.

I wonder if Pachabelle would be turning over in his grave, or laughing at that.

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