
Online dot malfunction? (small bug?)

When playing a chess game, the right side of the screen next to the player's username usually will show either a green or grayed out dot denoting either online or inactivity. Today I played a game and when it ended, instead of showing the usual dot it showed characters instead. (they appear to be random?)

Here's a screenshot link:
Maybe your computer incorrectly registered the dot as some characters for some reason.
That error is almost guaranteed to be client side. So it will not be fixed by any of the devs.
I don't remember the exact cause but it has something to do with your computer reading the code in the wrong language.
Many Lichess icons are part of a custom font. Probably the font just failed to load for whatever reason, does refreshing the page help?
Sorry. I don``t know where to put this. I can`t see a persons games from yesterday that I want to view. Is there a problem with games being uploaded at present ?
@coop4uk Adding your unrelated question to an existing one is a little pointless. Consider posting your own question in the feedback forum.

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