
Vote for lichess next features!

I'd loved to see some achievements. Most of the players will not achieved any title or others stuff. It can help to stay motivated to have a "little goal" (just like : 1st 2nd or 3rd in a tournament, or reaching a threshold rating like 1500, 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2000 could be a + to keep on playing and enjoying the game on lichess !).

Is it possible to gain a lichess t-shirt for a win in a tournament ? Could be great ! =)
@steva23 you can already do that, since lichess allows you to select the simul participants. We won't handle payments, but you can use paypal, bitcoins, or anything else.
The only thing I really want from lichess is the only thing I've really ever wanted from lichess. And unfortunately, I will probably never get. Genuine auto-paired pools, each with its own rating and no aborts possible (and no "wave pairing" and no list of players waiting to be paired).

Anything else is nice, but I don't care much until that is implemented.
#45 completely agree, this is what you can actually do on icc, if I am not mistaken.

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