
What is this and why is this happening whenever I am doing this?

I went to a study and clicked "Create a new chapter" option. Then I selected "PGN" format. Then I copy-pasted the moves, but lichess is saying this:
(God knows why only Imgur link is appearing. How do u share pictures that show up here? Pls answer this as well.)
Lichess is probably more strict about the PGN syntax. Showing an example of a PGN that results in this kind of error might help.
I'm sorry, but can anyone help me understand what type of error is this, and what can I learn to stop this in the future?
The error says the PGN you tried to import was incorrect. That's why I asked for an example so that we can see if it's actually incorrect or if it's a bug.
This looks incorrect indeed, AFAICS. A semicolon is supposed to start a comment for the rest of the line. Multiple variations should AFAIK be written as multiple blocks enclosed in parentheses, e.g. ... (variant 1) (variant 2) ... So IMHO this is a problem with the software that generated this PGN.
@mkubecek said in #6:
> This looks incorrect indeed, AFAICS. A semicolon is supposed to start a comment for the rest of the line. Multiple variations should AFAIK be written as multiple blocks enclosed in parentheses, e.g. ... (variant 1) (variant 2) ... So IMHO this is a problem with the software that generated this PGN.
Yup, this PGN was generated by ChessBase. So does it mean I can't send Chessbase pgn files over here to lichess?
Hard to say... Are there some options to choose from different versions of the PGN export format? Perhaps others who are more familiar with ChessBase could help. In this particular case, just replacing the semicolon with ") (" (without the double quotes, i.e. right parenthesis, space and left parenthesis) should fix it, unless there are more problems.
> (God knows why only Imgur link is appearing. How do u share pictures that show up here? Pls answer this as well.)

call me god. it only shows the link because you linked to a page that contains an image, not to the image itself.

edit: the link to the actual image will almost always end in an image extension like .png or .jpg.
It might be useful to see the complete file as text here, not as a screenshot with only parts of it.

That is, if it is reasonably small.

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