
Bitcoin Donations

Hey Thibault!

It's me again :-P

This site doesn't ask you to pay in any way, which is pretty cool!
But some people would start to donate if you'd allow them to do so.

Bitcoin is free and open source, so I guess it fits quite good to this site.

Accepting bitcoin donations is easy as hell:
You just need to have an address (Get one here: ), then you keep the private key secret like a password, and you publish the address on some appropriate place, e.g. at the bottom of this website.
You can check the balance of your address by putting it in the search box of this site:
Whenever you need fiat currencies, you can sell some of your coins, e.g. here:

Best regards,
x y
why promote using bitcoin?

"If you understand mathematics, you know that the bitcoin bubble is doomed. Sell while you still can and be happy with the profits you’ve made so far. Importantly, remember that the only reason you can sell is because there’s a “greater fool” on the other side of that transaction who is buying your bitcoins. The problem with all bubbles is that sooner or later the world runs out of greater fools."

Paypal's annoying but commonly manageable by most.
paypal is neither free nor open source, so I doubt that it fits to the spirit of this website.

at the end, the choice is up to great thibby anyway.

it's not "promoting" - it's just a suggestion
looks like noone interested :p
bitcoins is a great lie as many business to lie people in the internet promise earn easy money. Bye
bitcoins is a great lie as many business to lie people in the internet promise earn easy money. Bye

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