
What is the best gift you have ever received?

When I was 9, the bike I actually received (instead of the stupid old suit I thought I was getting stuck with).
When I was a child, my mother gave me a necklace with a red cross. That reminded me of the color of blood.
an orange and a pair of shoes so I wouldn't have to walk bare foot in the snow anymore my daily 5 miles to attend school.
The manager advised me of customer: field trip chaperone displeased with my middle finger and gorgeous face appearing in background of school photo taken during last visit.

I Counter

He escalates from advise to WARNING like: despite 'counter' if it happens again, you fired

I Counter, carefully as loud as he: Oh, Why don't you just fire me right now?!


I start to go
but he back hand me but with his keys and said, Take my ride and gave me his truck
Hugs and Kisses from Parents...
I don't want or expect gifts

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