
Too many updates

Ok, I know: this is all free, we have a lot of things here and we don't pay for anything. I know it and I'm thankful to the developers, who put their effort and time here. This is the best chess website, period.

But the thing is: why so many updates here ruining the experience? I mean, the site is just great now, we can play good chess here, so what else do we need? I can understand the site should improve all the time, but why so many times, interrupting or distracting us when we are playing?

I can't help but express my frustration with a game of mine aborted when the site was updated. I was really taking the game very seriously, putting effort on the moves, and I wish to know what result that would be. Now I will never know, since the game just aborted in a given position!

My suggestion (if possible) is: update the site just once a week or so, there is no need for updating it all the time, since it is fantastic now. This is not the first time an update ruined a game. Thanks for the attention!
My game was aborted, too, which somehow bothered me in the first place (i was 2 Rooks in advantage: ). As i'm reading that this is probably due to an server-restart, i cooled down of course, but raised my question:

Could you maybe implement a feature to step into the game again in order to finish it?
(My Opponent was still online, we could have played all along.)

Or maybe let both players vote for an ending, just like when the other leaves the game.

just a thought,
sincerely yours,

PS: Thanks a million for this great website!
Lichess has seen a breathtaking influx of new players the last months. It is absolutely crucial that lichess keeps up with this. Otherwise we are all gonna be stuck playing on a server that can't handle the load. It might be annoying in the short-term, but it's no doubt gonna be worth it in the long-term.

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