
Your Opinion on Mr.Beast

@Alientcp said in #40:
> If the result is something resembling yourself, apocalypse mixed with wild west.
Nice one.
I like his videos, he gives fun to kids, and some of his challenges are cool
@Alientcp said in #39:
> You kinda destroyed your own argument with your own words, you just needed to change the order of the sentences.
> Thats why you need to know. Or at least have a good indication that what you believe is somewhat correct.
> Belief (of any kind) doesnt help if its wrong. Whether the belief is on god, karma, annunakis, lucky numbers, second life, the chupacabras, big foot, flat earth, etc.
> Belief or known facts inform action, you better be damm sure before you do anything rash, like the FBI Person of interest that has been posting here.
> But genesis and the creation of men (and thats only 2 examples, there are plenty more) in both (well, 3 if you want to add the jew book, 4 if you want to add the hindu book, and so forth) religious books are known to be INCORRECT, so you already have enough reason and evidence to doubt the rest.
> I dont know why the theologians call themselves philosophers.
> Philosophy.- "In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other."
> A theologian does not seek truth. They are believers.

the "jew book" is the old testament my freind
@Alientcp said in #20:
> I really dont watch Mr Beast, nor have no Idea who is the guy you are pointing out. But if what the post below to yours its true, and that person its indeed gay. Why the hell are you crying for? Its a natural response when your culture wants to punish gays either by fire, stoning or jail. What were you expecting?
@WassimBerbar said in #22:
> So you are telling me it's fine for them to depict another culture like chris' tweets just vecause of condemning gender changing?! Are you fine?! He had the choice of becoming a trans, so why run into our punishment?

she did not have the choice. being trans isnt a choice. god, I had to scroll down far to reply to this.
@WassimBerbar said in #25:
> I suppose you haven't watched what's in #2 if you're this confident speaking with his tongue. The tweets he deleted showed in the video don't accuse the punishment of homosexuality.
> So he has the choice to depict a religion for the precise reason that he has the choice for it?
> It's you who have no morals, because your morality is subjective and isn't established by God. You believe in literal doubt, so it's normal you think his immoral acts are moral.
> I have no intellectual authority over him because hhmm.. I'm not blessed. Is this your argument?! Do you realise how much ignorance you need to put this in your reply? You literally stand on nothing when it comes to objective morality, you don't have a book about skepticism we can study. Laws should be written on stones and be unanimously agreed upon to prevent this type of ignorance from propagating.
> The only thing you can do is to be violent towards him. Ye everything else I don't do towards him in my life which is not violent is not criminal.
> Harming just your own self isn't criminality.
> Stealing isn't criminality if you don't harm anyone.
> Gambling is fine as long as you waste only your money and no one else's.
> So you admit they weaponise their homosexuality and play the victim and that allows them to insult another religion unpunished.
> It's not that it's alien. Freedom is an inconsistent idea. You can basically normalise anything and weaponise liberalism so it gets accepted. It's a shame Lichess accepts this ifeology to stand, mainly because of people like you.
> The Qur'an is literally for the entire world, you just have to fact check, an alien concept you need to get used "Societal law" is the one not for the world, because it's not objective.

hey bud, the entire world doesnt follow the qu'raun, and the entire world doesn't hate gays. Also a lot of people who dont agree or like gays, also dont throw them off rooftops, because there is an idea known as respect
@Zurel said in #45:
> she did not have the choice. being trans isnt a choice. god, I had to scroll down far to reply to this.
So she was forced to become trans and insult Islam because Islam condemns homosexuality? She did not have the choice to become trans as you say, so she did not have the choice to insult another specific religion she stereotypes about.

Someone didn't have the choice to leave education, so logically that someone didn't have the choice to insult the headmaster of one specific school.
@WassimBerbar said in #47:
> So she was forced to become trans and insult Islam because Islam condemns homosexuality? She did not have the choice to become trans as you say, so she did not have the choice to insult another religion she stereotypes about.
i mean. if its true is it really a stereotype? also not all islamic people are homophobic lol. not all jews are greedy. not all whites are racist, and not all blacks are dumb. stereotypes are stupid
@Zurel said in #46:
> hey bud, the entire world doesnt follow the qu'raun, and the entire world doesn't hate gays. Also a lot of people who dont agree or like gays, also dont throw them off rooftops, because there is an idea known as respect
I know the entire world isn't muslim and doesn't hate homosexual people. No matter the gender, no one should insult any other religion or any person by the manner she did.
@WassimBerbar said in #49:
> I know the entire world isn't muslim and doesn't hate homosexual people. No matter the gender, no one should insult any other religion or any person by the manner she did.
ok but she did, and y'all act like its the end of the world because ONE person said a few words you didn't like

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