
Your fave rock song of the 90s'

The 90's were a bit of a blur for me but I do remember liking the song "Buddy Holly" by Weezer.
So, was alive but very young in the 90s (born in early '90s) If you mean "what music did I listen to during the 90s," uh... maybe Britney Spears circa '99-'00. If you mean what 90s music do I, an adult, like (hint: outgrew Britney Spears)

Real World by Matchbox 20
Been A Son by Nirvana
Supersonic, Live Forever, and several other Oasis songs from that era
Would, No Excuses, Man In The Box, all by Alice in Chains
Jeremy, Daughter, Do The Evolution, all by Pearl Jam
Annnd I know the song but forget the title - it's by Green Day and the opening line is "do you have the time, to listen to me whine, about nothing and everything all at once?" (Don't want to navigate tabs on my phone right now to Google)
Mary Jane's Last Dance.
EDIT: Actually, it occurs to me that Tornado of Souls came out in 1990, thus making it eligible.

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