
this is a mistake?

It's not a draw, as a legal sequence of moves can lead to mate:
Ke7 Na5
Kd8 Nc4
Kc8 Na5
Kb8 Nc4
Ra6+ Kd7
Ka8 Kc8
Ra7 Nb6#
I played white turned out time. Why I was losing -10
points when it's a draw.
На личессе действуют правила ФИДЕ, и согласно ним, если стороне, просрочившей время, теоретически можно поставить мат, она считается проигравшей. Пример, как можно получить мат, имея ладью против коня, в #3
I played white ,I have rook not a horse, why did I loss?it a draw
It's not a draw, Black is victorious (it's possible for Black to checkmate). It even says so right in your own comment #1.

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