
Blocking disabled?

I can't block users at the moment, block button doesn't change into 'block' text, just changes to what looks like inactive button.
Is there a limit of how many users can be blocked?
@DragonArcher said in #4:
> That’s depressing I barely blocked anyone before lol
Same I rarely block ppl and I've only blocked like 2-4 pp
@INCOGNITO18 said in #5:
> Same I rarely block ppl and I've only blocked like 2-4 pp
i've blocked like 17-18 people.

Only Andrew Tang would need to block 500 people because he blocks everyone he thinks is kb. Which I think should be done.
I blocked like 2 people, depressing to have to block 500 pps, and also unnesecary
AFAIK, the limit works in such a way that the oldest member on your blocked list is automatically (and voidly) unblocked as soon as you block #501.
Can you send some screenshots of what's coming? It looks like blocking is working.
So it's working again now, without unblocking anyone. It did happen few times ion recent days and always came back to normal. Thanks for all the replies!

(I block time wasters mostly, so I am not matched with them again)

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