
Is Trump finally going down or do we have to suffer much longer?

Remember as you watch Fox media that Trump's most influential proponent (Rupert Murdoch)abandoned his Australian citizenship and took American citizenship solely so he could buy up more American television outlets.
I hope that resonates with all Americans who see their citizenship as a birthright to be cherished,and not sold to the highest bidder.

"Breathes there a man with soul so dead..."
Sir Walter Scott.
@bunyip There has been no proof so far, but you are right that there is a possibility during the trials. I find it unlikely though, as if it was that bad, I think they would be flying through the system.
Wait, you guys think Democrats impeaching the president means he will get impeached???

Many of you are apparently not Americans? Nothing will happen to Trump, since such action would require backing of the Republican controlled senate (for the record Trump helped win more senate seats for his Republican Party, so probability of him being removed from office is zero)

Let it go :)

Even if in some alternative universe people like Clinton or Trump could actually be removed or jailed for their “crimes” etc. there would be a civil war, and civil war is not something democrats can win VS republicans. Think of low testosterone soy eating vegan democrat trying to go to war with a gun nut farmer. not gonna go well for the soy boy...

Get ready for 4 more years folks. Don’t cry. Enjoy your better life now that Trump improved the economy and markets.

We understand what you say about the likely trial outcome,but as I said before..a trial will get it out onto the public record.If any Republicans chose to vote not guilty in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary,that's their problem.
By "markets"I assume you only refer to USA domestic.
Your analogy with the peace-loving Democrat V the blood-crazed bristling-with -assault-rifles Republican prolly needs a bit of work ,bearing in mind that the Democratic vote was considerably higher than the Republican vote.And bearing in mind that Democrat Presidents tend to win World Wars.

There is no irrefutable evidence of any wrong doing by Trump. No matter how many times you or CNN say so. Every single politician in history in every single country has always openly asked for favors and requested help from other foreign leaders to get dirt on opponents, win wars, get money, etc. etc. etc.

Yes, a US President is to look after US citizen interests, and our economy is booming here in US. This is great news. Trump delivered. Obama stated that Trump would need a magic stick to get the economy going the way Trump said he would, and trump did exactly that. Abra-kadabra!

According to Harvard study millions of votes are illegal at every election. Democrats are good cheaters. And we now know from Congressional Testimony that scumbag liberals at Google moved up to 10 million votes by their commie lefty bias.

1)How do you know there is no irrefutable evidence?
2)Don't shoot the messenger.
3)Just 'cause others do it don't make it legal.
4)You concede that Trump lost the popular vote,but you claim Democrats cheated with millions of illegal votes.In other words you are saying the system that put Trump in is in fact highly corrupt.

1) Innocent until proven guilty. It seems Democrat voters already made up their minds, even thou after years of hopeless promises and threats no evidence of anything has ever been produced that would stand up in any sort of courtroom. It reminds me of what Republicans tried to impeach Obama, and remove Clinton too etc. it’s silly and a waste of time, political theater.

4) Trump did NOT necessarily lose the popular vote, There were millions of illegal votes according to Harvard study, and besides, given bias dishonest coverage by mostly liberal media I’m surprised Trump got as many votes as he did. Not to mention the election is not won by popular vote, if popular vote was the way to win a US election then both trump and Hillary would campaign totally differently. The ONLY way to find out who would win such an election is to have such an election based on popular vote. Trump would then campaign hard in CA and NY, CLinton would go to some red states too.

Yes the system is corrupt. It doesn’t want outsiders for Presidents who were not hand picked at Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove like the other good puppet Presidents. So naturally the corrupt system is very mad with Trump.
Oh...and your implication that google somehow illegally shifted votes around is a bit...not actually true.
Statements were made to Congress regarding the influence various media had on voter perception.Those statements were assumptions,NOT documented evidence.
You really should at least try to put up a structured argument instead of half-truth blustering rhetoric.
I remain, as ever, your obedient servant...bunyip.

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