
Is Trump finally going down or do we have to suffer much longer?

Every day the find a little more dirt under Trumps rug. They will not indict him while he is presiding but I think that they will proceed to impeach him soon so that they can throw the book at him and not stain the presidency anymore...
Alas no. FISA court abuse from the former administration will blow up in time for the election. The investigators get investigated. There was just too much temptation to spy on political opponents with the powers available, which is why you should never centralize power in the hands of the few. People can't resist using it for poor reasons. Unfortunately I think this behavior will become normalized and the nation will be all the poorer because of it.
stock market, almost all-time high.
housing prices, almost all-time high
military strong
power in the world, pretty amazing
most people love american entertainment
apple, google, not weak


can we at least compare America to other countries with many metrics?

We can pull many stats and have them prove anything we want. The biggest threat to America now is debt financing. When any of these bubbles burst, the others will come tumbling down. Although there are many countries, on many metrics, that we could compare ourselves to and appear to be weak, the best would be the empires of the past. Roman empire, British dominance, and others prove that none of you indicators means anything as all empires fall.
@BisoMiso The debt all time high. A few years ago the bubble burst in California, people lost their homes, their savings... all due to mismanagement and make believe.

Racism almost sky high, misogynism, discrimination based on color, religion, economic position the same, almos sky high. Nepotism as never before seen. The nation divided like when the Civil War broke...

Human values, an all time low...

The US bubble is next, Trump is the needle that will pop it, the stock market, housing, all the military of the world will not be able to hold up the cards castle.
Trump's sister steps down from the judgeship to stop investigation for tax fraud...
Trumps cabinet made up mostly of "temporary" office holders...
I've lost count of the investigations open against the pathological liar that holds the football and his family...
The US public face at an all time low but it doesn't matter, as long as there is money to buy a hamburger at Mc Donald's...
Debt is always making a new high, that is meaningless. Fed prints, we make other countries buy our debt. sometimes japan and china sell some debt and we continue to work together. don't listen to the TV. all big countries help other big countries get more powerful. china and america are much more powerful now than 40-years ago when everyone worried about debt.

racism is NOTHING like when people killed slaves. Did you live in Alabama as a young black girl trying to survive? any idea how many slaves were raped and not reported? how many blacks were assaulted and it was impossible to get justice? hanged? that is not happening now like back then. it's not even remotely the same. yes, there is a a lot of racism, but it's no 1859.

we are at zero percent civil war. zero percent. go back to 1850 and see what happened. much, much more things were going on back then. now it's all very, very small overblown stuff for kids to talk about and think they are living in some historical time.

nepotism never seen before? LOL. Do you forget the Kennedy's and Rockefeller's and the 1950's?

human values all time low? LOL. do you forget the medieval time period or what's going on in Africa now... or N. Korea or China decades ago, or Indonesia or Cambodia or China in the 1200's.... we are NOT even close to an all-time low. probably an all-time high.

give some concrete examples to support your statements and then i will also do some research. but on a relative basis things are much better for most people on this planet.

housing crisis based off derivatives..yeah, i know. vegas crushed as well. most are almost back. trust me, it simply took houses from people who had liar loans anyhow. was it bad? yea. but so is oil at 100, or food inflation.... giving a poor person 10 houses and then 10 houses foreclosed isn't really that bad. look at real estate in CA now....super high prices.

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