
girls only

@TigerChocolateCone said in #40:
> oh so you know that you said what the heck to a respected lichess candidate master of chess? cuz in my opinion, thats pretty rude. show some respect towards the respected.

Hold up let me spell it out 4 you
@chummer said in #10:
> @eclipsR I used to swim competitively, but I'm flattered that you're thinking of my legs. Ask nicely and I might just send you a picture of me in my Speedo.

My online username is derived from Speedo because I guess it's just such a weird and good username?

SpeedoThreeSixty 1,000,000 times
@TigerChocolateCone said in #40:
> oh so you know that you said what the heck to a respected lichess candidate master of chess? cuz in my opinion, thats pretty rude. show some respect towards the respected.

(But is it insulting?)
@CreativeThinking said in #20:
> Dear @chummer,
> All I can think of is your legs. I think about about it day and night. My imagination is limited, I'm running out of mental pictures, and probably won't live without seeing them for how they are. It's a request, sir, could you please show you sexy legs.
Damn I wanna see his sexy legs too!
Chummer looks like if prince and david bowie merged and had a child with your average redneck biker
<Comment deleted by user>
yall i(we) came here to play chess, discuss other minor things, etc. not have massive arguments about gender
nice legs chummer

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