
cat or dog

Stop going on with your downvotes of facts stated. Just because something is a fact does not mean it is immune from downvoted and could be a “bad” post.
“This person is a cheater, he should be banned from playing games in tournaments on lichess, Lichesss please ban him”

This is a statement of fact,,, however it is public shaming and bad!
Fact =/= Opinion

"Sun rises in the east" is a fact, but you can't say that it's just someone's opinion. That's stupidity.
See post #23, this post is public shaming and bad, but it is still a fact, notice this?????
37 minutes ago
But... Lions and Tigers ARE cats...

Calber's friend down voted this.
#28 @CalbernandHowbe Facts may not sound great always. But they still are facts. The example you provide IS public shaming, but cats, tiger, lion belong to the feline family.

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