
Opening Explorer of Single Player

@lishadowapps Fantastic tool. Is there a way to filter for specific dates and/or time controls when creating a personal database (e.g. ≤6months ago, no bullet)?

Filtering as explained in the ReadMe is using a Javascript function, which operates on the LichessGame class, which in turn is a wrapper around the JSON representation of a lichess game as provided by lichess games export API ( ).

For every game you have to return a boolean value using the reference to this LichessGame class as "lg".

You have to review the class source code, to know what fields you can access:

For example to filter bullet games, the condition would be:

lg.perf == "bullet"

to fitler for dates is even more intricate, because you have to use time stamps

this is the filter I actually use to get my recent atomic games:

(lg.orig.variant == "atomic") && (lg.orig.createdAt > 1579046400000)

if you go to, you can see that

1579046400000 = 2020. January 15., Wednesday 0:00:00

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