
Why weren't my rating points refunded vs a banned cheater?

During my last game ( I got the distinct feeling that my opponent av0kado was cheating.
I reported him even before the game was over, and a few minutes later I was notified that he was banned.
My loss was turned into a win for the purposes of the tournament (, but my rating points were not refunded. Why not?


Please read
"One minute after a player is marked, their 40 latest rated games in the last 3 days are taken. If you are their opponent in those games, you lost rating (because of a loss or a draw), and your rating was not provisional, you get a rating refund."
Your classical rating is provisional, so don't get a rating refund. (And by the way: no public shaming, please.)
Public shaming? Really? Surely the bar is higher than this.
Ok gotcha, I understand the policy now - thanks.

I don't think there's anything wrong with naming cheaters. We name criminals publicly; why not cheaters? I could see it being problematic to accuse someone without evidence, or to verbally abuse them, but here the site has already banned their account, so I'm just stating established facts.

Thanks again!

@OjaiJoao it's still not allowed ... like, what's the purpose or benefit? You could just ignore, as Lichess served them their punishment ...

Correct procedure would be asking about the refund without dropping the game and the name
I dont really think it matters all that much #6. It has much less of an impact when you say someone's name who we all will forget in 10 minutes, than it does to start a mini argument over it

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