
lichess rating system

hi lichess
i'm really unhappy with the way the points are calculated by various players. the fact that you get zero points sometimes, and the fact that you lose way more points than you gain, i would like you to reconsider this system. Instead of compensating for high rated players or low rated players, just have a flat score X number of points per any game.
the goal of a rating system is not to make you feel good. the goal of a rating system is to be able to predict the result of a game between two players. your flat score system would be way, way, way worse than glicko-2, which is currently used by lichess. it would also be worse than even elo.
Why complain about the system when you don't understand anything about it?
@honey0x said in #1:
> Instead of compensating for high rated players or low rated players, just have a flat score X number of points per any game.

You can do this yourself. Just keep pencil and paper next to your keyboard. You can even pick your own X.
Btw i would like to point out that lichess elo IS NOT ( so much) overrated vs chesscom. Cant get 1900 blitz here ans got 1950 on the other site. I suspect that here players dont respect me and do resign in losing pos, which makes me tilt (lulz)
The use of the system that lichess uses (glicko-2 for the well interested) is, simply put, to get you a challenging game each time. Therefore the points you gain are not so much for the puposes of bragging with them of feeling good about being at this or that rating, but merely an item to tell the system which opponent fits your strength the best. Not too hard, not too easy, but a game you should be able to win with a bit of luck and a bit of thought.
Having the system calculate ratings using different methods does seem interesting, if just for comparison to see which is closest to FIDE OTB rating.

Of course, only one of those ratings should be used for pairings.

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