
Is it possible to learn this game properly with just games and analysis of my games against opponent

I feel that i m maybe getting worse in this game ,my progress is not so good ,sometimes I feel that I'm not improving , just wins by flagging ,not by super tactics ! Can I only do tactics , analysis of my game or I need a proper coach for improvement to play like at least club level play like amateur or atleat state level players ? I can't play games continuously for an hour ! After 3 or 4 good games i looses my concentration and I starts blunders in my game . How can I improve myself ? How can I win my games by only by my advantages not by either flagging nor by opponent's blunder's ?
@AB64 said in #1:
> I feel that i m maybe getting worse in this game
Every time someone posts I am getting worse, tilting like hell, quit chess
Me looks at myself and realise I am much worse than them and still won't quit or get depressed
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