
Different clock time for each side

I had this idea while watching popular chess streamers, and i've noticed that sometimes the difference of Elo is quiet big, for instance a GM playing a 1700, and he gives him a clock advance in time. They start with 5min for the 1700 and 1min for the GM. But the problem is that at each game they have to wait till the clock for the GM goes down to 1min. Why isn t there a feature to create a game while controlling how much time each player will have ??
Maybe a workaround could be they can start 1.5m each and give more time to the lower rated player.
yeah but still, it's not practical that way. I think it's more efficient if we can control how much time each player will have before even starting the game, it should figure in the game setting while creating the game. And on top of that, it's not very complicated to do.
I guess the developers should see this thread and do us this favour. I hope They notice it
But probably this idea should only be implemented in Casual games to prevent rating inflation for a lower-rated player due to a 'lucky' win
It's useful for armageddon games as well etc. Which might be needed for future chess events on lichess like play for russia
Yes, I'm sure this would be in Casual games only. Rated games should be on even ground , It's a cool idea though.

In the meantime, using the feature to add time to your opponent's clock works just fine. :)

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