
iPhone 5/ 5S bug?

Just as disclaimer, I know im like an old timer for having an iphone 5 in my hands.
Im having this bug or missing feature on the iOS app : i can't change or set anything that can customize my app from settings to chess pieces and theme. My app shows literally nothing.
Anyone experience this too? Maybe its not there in all apps at all to begin with?
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Don't see the connection between between device speed and missing features.
so nothing? i will just stand here with a broken app? :(
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In the upper left corner is a "hamburger" menu (three stacked lines). Tap that and you'll get a menu that's longer than your phone's screen. Scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll find settings.

Here are two screenshots from my phone:
I am well aware of that.
All the settings menus are empty.
Wait a minute. I wanted to capture images but now they"re there. I dont know it that was a bug i was experiencing, an update recently or i was blind but now i feel like in a whole new world. A world of customization. I dont know if the post made it somewhere but thanks for all the support and replies :D
Glad it's working now. Sounds the menu resource for the settings was not loading, or at least hadn't finished loading.

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