

It's when time ends, and it is so little left, that is not enough for a game , even if 2 opponents go berserk. So, in this cases, I would propose to be a little cheaty, so flaw will be exposed.
The more players follow, the more painless is that cheat, because it will be GRANTED DRAWS . Win a game may take long, but grant a draw requires only few seconds after mandatory moves. In this way, every one who accepts and follows in next tournament will be granted free points, standing will be affected and eventually flaw will be exposed and correct it

The proposal. Every last 10 minutes of tourney, will be a kind of play-offs, with X match, first play last, second plays second last e.t.c
I agree that offering draws in the last minute of a tournament exposes a problem (that in some circumstances, a fast draw scores more than a slow win).

I disagree with your so-called proposal.
A draw would only net you one extra point anyway, so you wouldn't be gaining anything unless you were tied for the lead. Even then, you would have to have the top player lose. But the chances of your opponent accepting it are pretty slim unless you are way above there level. In that case you will lose like 20 rating points for a draw, if that is worth it to you, then go right and do that. The tourney system is fine the way it is. If it were to change though, I'd like to see where the last game of the tourney counts even when time hits 0
Link: The problem with the last game counting is that it means you don't get the flashy "tournament over" screen with the winners until after the last game finishes. Maybe not a huge issue in bullet, but in slower time controls I think it would be quite annoying.
Hm, you could still have an airhorn or buzzer or something signaling the end, and somehow see the remaining games using a simul-like view...
Another tournament strategy could be resigning against everyone that you don't know for sure you can beat to not waste time playing them and risking get a 0. :)
@blackzombie that is a terrible tourney strategy because you don't know for sure that you can beat anyone and so you're essentially suggesting that people resign every game of a tourney
Well, my point is that you play for a limited time and not a limited number of games, so such a strategy can work in the case you only play for the points. I'm not using it myself but my point is the rules of the lichess tourns is based on that the tourns would be played for fun and not for gathering points.

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