
More advanced time controls

I think it would be neat if you could change time controls around so in a game you can set up milestones where you gain more time, or increment.

For instance Game starts as 10 minute game. No increment.

However upon move 40, 5 minutes time is added, and a 5 second increment.

Where you set it up to be 5 variables not 2.

Currently it's setup to be:

What I propose would be:

1) Start time
2) Start Increment
3) Bonus time move (for example 20,40,60 ect)
4) Bonus time
5) Bonus Increment
I would support this for tournaments because then it could be more like real OTB tournaments. Not for regular play because it would further dilute the number of players available to accept your seek and increase waiting time to play.
I don't see an advantage of your suggested bonus time over the simple 10+10. It only makes things more complicated and more unfair.
Imagine a critical position on move 38, you don't have much time, make a bad move and find yourself on move 40 with five fresh minutes on the clock in a crushed position.
With continual increment such cases would not happen. After 40 moves you would have gained more than 6 minutes due to a (+10) increment why make this 40th move so special? If that is too little you can play +20 or more...

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