
How do I see the online players I follow? The button at the bottom right is gone.

The button at the bottom right has disappeared, where the online players I followed were displayed. How to return?? Write please!
Go to your profile, there'll be a button saying "followers". It'll show you who's following you. On that page, you can select to see who YOU are following on the top right via a hyperlink.
No, change zoom factor of your browser.
The button "friends online" should magically appear.
*Edit: change = reduce!
Funkmaus, thanks!!! But how to make the browser scale 100%, but so that the "online friends" button is visible ??
#4 You are so welcome - and sorry, I have no idea.
I think it is not possible at all.
Now, while I am on the laptop, I dont see this button but when I am on computer, which has a bigger monitor, I do see it.
So go buy a bigger screen :D
are you on mobile?
this sometimes happens to me on my kindle fire, but never on my laptop

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