
BUG: was not Draw for repetition

Seems right though perhaps easy to miss. Looks like the same position after white's move for 39, 41, & 43, no?
Perhaps I misinterpreted your question. In that case, you are not mistaken. You definitely were black.
To ensure that a threefold repetition ends in a draw, you need to go into your profile settings and set it to automatically claim draw on threefold. The site won't do it for you without that setting activated
Nono, i meant about the draw. Maybe after years of playing I still not have understanded the draw :D
Its a draw if the exact same POSITION appears 3 times, moves does not matter. Exact moves are some times repeated but rule of repetition is not about moves, only positions.

"In chess, the threefold repetition rule states that a player may claim a draw if the same position occurs three times during the game... Two positions are by definition the same if the same types of pieces occupy the same squares, the same player has the move, the remaining castling rights are the same AND the possibility to capture en passant is the same."
@multix said in #7:

"[...] the same player has the move [...]"

I think here it's not the case (white first, then black + black)
After whites move 39, 41, 43 its 3 times same position and black to move
39.Kh2 --- black to move
41.Qd4 --- black to move
43.Qd4 --- black to move

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