
How to go to Lichess tutor

Go to but there one problem you hhad to have an accouunt before 2021 there after that the site was resctitcted to mods but we can visit it.
@Deadban said in #4:
> Why is it restricted to mods if it is called lichess devs?
Because it’s a DEVeloping site to test new features.
@MiauiKatze said in #5:
> Because it’s a DEVeloping site to test new features.

You're just proving my point dude, read again.
@Deadban said in #6:
> You're just proving my point dude, read again.
I didn’t say you were wrong
@Ultragoodrapid said in #8:
> Does anyone know when is it going to come
after testing .. can be next month or by the end of this yesar next year or never

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