
Do cheaters not get banned if they only play casual games?

I lost a game last week to a guy who thoroughly outplayed me. He certainly played well above his rating and admittedly I didn't play all that well in the game. Out of curiosity I checked his profile and he just joined last week and at that point had won about 40 straight games with only a couple of losses. I filed a report to have him checked out but nothing has been done. I just checked his profile again and he has won 144 straight rapid games. That doesn't seem possible for a human except maybe Magnus. Does Lichess not care if people cheat in unrated games on the site?
That doesn't make a difference. Lichess sometimes takes unnecessarily long to ban cheaters in general.
unrated games have no cheating detection(due to training games for example, or when one plays against a friend who unses an engine to train)
report of course, but i dont think they have real priority and the automatic system in turned off
You can report them but don't expect too much to come of it. Lichess seems to rely almost entirely on their automated anti-cheat detection. In games where the automatic system is off (causal live games and all correspondence games) there is almost no cheat enforcement at all.

They probably get thousands of reports of cheating every day and simply don't have the manpower to look into most (or maybe any) of them.
That looks like a fair point. What would the mods say about it ...
"Lichess seems to rely almost entirely on their automated anti-cheat detection. In games where the automatic system is off (causal live games and all correspondence games) there is almost no cheat enforcement at all."

Not sure what evidence to have to back this up...

From the report faq
What happens to my report?

If you report someone on Lichess your report will be forwarded to the moderators. This process might take a day or two. The moderator then will look at your report and decide if there need to be actions taken. They may send a warning for first time offenses or minor offenses. They might ban someone if they are cheating or chatban people that are ignoring warnings or are highly offensive.

This seems to say that reports are handled by moderators, not software on autopilot.
You can report people for cheating in casual – but many moderators will be unlikely to ban, unless cheating is very obvious from a single game. Myself, if I have to make any kind of indirect or even statistical argument, I will simply not bother. Note that "winning all games" is not based on a single game, so it is a statistical argument. How unlikely "winning all games" is depends on the number of games, and even with a large amount it is only unlikely, not impossible. To fine tune this argument, you would next have to look into who the opponents were and so on. And I am not willing to spend that amount of time on casual games.

My reasoning here is this: If you did not think you would take the game serious enough to make it rated, I do not see why I should consider the game important enough to spend more than a couple of seconds on it. Other moderators might treat it differently.

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