
Is China Trying to Choke India?

not until it completely chokes its own citizens
It is but with collapse of the Rajapaksas it has lost Sri Lanka and India has its own plan called the the diamond necklace which attempts to choke China itself There is Mongolia, Japan,Taiwan,the Philippines ,Vietnam,Bangladesh and India obviously
China always tries to do so, but always fails. And now it does not have a courage to do that.
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@Barium_Plot said in #7:
> As one great man one said "Dragon is a myth,but elephant is real,the elephant moves slowly but when it does the world feels its steps".
Horsey be like - Am I a joke to you?
@Barium_Plot said in #7:
> As one great man one said "Dragon is a myth,but elephant is real,the elephant moves slowly but when it does the world feels its steps".

Sounds like the local shroom supplier been doing some quality control on his product.
It is difficult for foreigners to understand China, their culture, their people, are completely inaccessible, and have been since the beginning of time, somebody said something about the chinese language recently, that chinese a lot on context, the tone in which a word is said, and they also use a lot of idioms. for example, the sentence “If you come, I’ll go.” in chinese is “You come, and I left.”, now even though they mean the same thing, the meanings are received differently, here is another example, saying "that is insignificant" in chinese can be done using the idiom "9 cows and 1 strand of cow hair.". anyway the point i am trying to make here is that the chinese civilization has a deep inward focus, they have little concern for things outside of china, and for most of it's history, the only contact the chinese made with foreigners was either to trade, or to collect tribute, and this is true to this day, China is fundamentally unconcerned with other countries, and while the relationship between china and india has been historically unfriendly because they are natural rivals (two massive empires that border each other), it is getting warmer ever since the Russia special military operation in ukraine, an unhinged west can be the driving force for an India-Russia-China axis, i think the chinese government knows this, hence the warming of relations between them.

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