
Logical Puzzle

John is looking at Mary. Mary is looking at Peter.
John is married. Peter is not married.

Statement: “A married person is looking at an unmarried person.”

A - The statement is true.
B - The statement is flase.
C - There's not enough information provided.
Peter is Wanted, Dead or Alive.
Mary spins him right round, baby, right round.
Like a record, baby, right round, round-round.
John is looking at Mary, behind the scenes.

Therefore, Mary is a video camera, and also, a TV set.

In the meantime, John is looking at Peter, while he performs his beautiful song !
C, but not only because we dont know what Mary is, rather because we dont know who Peter is looking at
It's B.


John is looking at Mary. Mary is looking at Peter.

Therefore, if Mary is looking at Peter, She's married.
But as John is looking at her, It means that she's not.

So, the statement is False.
A because if mary is married, she, a married person, is looking at peter, an unmarried person. If mary isn't married, john, a married person, is looking at mary, an unmarried person
It is A.
It’s true. It doesn’t matter if we don’t know either Mary is married or not, but in both cases there is somebody married looking at somebody unmarried. (If Mary isn’t married, then our condition satisfies due to John(married) looking at Mary(unmarried), and if Mary is married then our condition once again is satisfied due to Mary(married) looking at Peter(unmarried))

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