
Rating System is Broken :o (Too Scaled by # of Games Played & Highest Rating Reached) MAJOR PROB

The number of games played & highest rating reached has WAY too much of an effect on rating.
I have had plenty of time to test this on the few \years ive been on lichess & its basically a fact at this point.
I have incurred health problems, which has in turn sent my rating down; and up when I recover etc.
Once you reach a certain 'tier' of higher ratings; as I know everyone has seen; you will then need to start playing the next higher tier in order to gain significant rating increase.

By tiers; it is often separated by 1000< to 1300< to 1500 < to ratings 1500-1750 to 1751 to 1999 to 2000 to 2199 to 2200 to 2499 to 2500 +. Multiple people can confirm this. Just the way the 'boosts' work when playing against a player of said rating; as it is factored into your rating vs your games played vs several other factors.
But, your games played & however its calculated with highest rating reached; once reaching a certain amount; starts to weigh the sum MUCH too heavily.

I could post around 200 games of this. Instead. Ill just post one.

There are some players who "farm" rating points from newbies all day long and achieve high ratings, which is legal but insufficient to get on the leaderboard (because their RD is too high because all the outcomes are predetermined).

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