

My queen is blocking a pawn
The "black queen" checkmates me(Qxd4#), BUT THE PAWN IS BLOCKED
This is a mistake !? (I have to take the queen) Or not?

(rus) - original
Мой ферзь блокирует пешку
"Ферзь черных" ставит мат мне, НО ПЕШКА ЗАБЛОКИРОВАНА
Это же ошибка!? (я должен взять ферзя) Или нет?
King cannot move to dead position.
Even if rule allow this, your king taken by pawn.
What is the difference?
I like this question. Yes I know its the laws of the game but for beginners it is sometimes difficult to understand.

In the final position the black pawn on e5 is pinned to the black King on e8.

Therefore if the Black Queen on d4 is captured the pawn cannot retake.

So the OP question was why cannot his White King take the Queen which is only defended by the pinned pawn?
@CrowChess You mentioned "pinned to the king" situation. If someone understand "pinned to the king", he/she understands the rule that cannot move into the check position by him/herself. The pawn is pinned because it's moving into check position otherwise.
Both situation is based on a same rule.
@hkjin81 yes also known as an absolute pin

I know the Laws of Chess however a beginner may well understand the term Pin especially if the have played through the Learn Chess Basics on Lichess but they can get confused by such positions as the end of the above game.

Thats all not trying to make a big point.

Just saying some checkmates with absolute pins on the board can be difficult for beginners to grasp.
I just wanted to mention the key rule "Cannot go into checking position by myself".
Pin is one of situations made by this rule. Stale mate is another one.
I think this rule is come from this concept of the chess, "The king cannot be captured"
The whole point of a chess game is to capture the king. If you take the queen with your king, technically your opponent takes your king first with his pawn

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