
Suggestion: Maximum 1 minute per move in tournaments

Hydra1, thanks for sharing your opinion.

But to say that "there is not positive side" sounds very strange. Obviously it is positive if your opponent can not prolong the game for several minutes when he has mate in 1 against him.

My goal with the suggestion was to prevent bad sportsmanship that players show when they let the clock run down in a completely lost position.

What is your alternative to prevent such bad sportsmanship?
The problem with your suggestion Lat5 is that it would punish everyone because of the actions of just a few. The only real solution is to report those who display bad sportsmaship, and move on. Getting worked up over this is not going to help anybody, and your proposed solution is just too drastic. Like killing a fly with an A-Bomb.
ok, so if I report the player in the game that I pasted, what are the consequences going to be for him? Will he be evicted from the site? Probably not...
I agree with Lat5. I also played a 5 0 tournament the other day. I had mate in one and he had 3 ins left. Instead of resigning or move he rather lost on time and 3 minutes of the tournament wasted for me. I dont know if he feels some kind of revenge doing this. Very annoying.
In games under 5 minutes , 1 minutes per move should be enough. I fully support the suggestion!

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