
ability to search lichess games via manually inputted position [Feature]

imagine after analysis of one of your games & came across this position
8/3k1p2/1K6/p1p1PP2/P1P4p/1P5P/8/8 w - - 1 48
now you want to see if there are other lichess players who came across the same position & how the dealt with it..
or were this position came from the same opening like yours?
i think it will be very nice feature, what do you think..
Isn't that already available? Look at your game in the analysis board, then in the bottom right click on the book-like icon. There you can choose between the Masters database and the lichess database. If that position has been reached you will see the results there, as well as the move choices made.
i only asked this as a feature,, something new..
i think middlegames & endgames plans from a certain position deserve looking at them just like the opening variations..
I'm saying in the analysis board you can see if a position has arisen before. The feature is there.
and to you specific need
- start board editor
- set up position you want to look for
- press analyse position
- click the book image
- voila you have a list games for that position

Obviously this work only on specific position so you are unlikely to find a middlegame positions from there.
okay guys, thanks.. maybe am little bit greedy to ask that,, anyway convinced by showing opening position by setting up specific position is enough..
I want this but that it only shows games I've played, is it possible?
@lukeluke said in #7:
> I want this but that it only shows games I've played, is it possible?
yup but sometimes it shows you "max depth reached"
reviewing a one particular position in a couple of games played by different lichess users is beneficial. is beneficial in terms of seeing different variations & moves & how they proceeded to deal with the position..
it will be a rich learning space when it comes to patterns.
it can mimic somehow the woodpecker method "a famous book to sharpen tactics & patterns"
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