
stop feature twitch reruns

I get quite annoyed by featured streams which are just reruns.
You should not display old livestreams.

Some people like "IM Gannikus" are using this bug, they just run the stream rerun 24/7 and get featured the whole time on lichess.

But I'm not sure if twitch offers any api to detect live/premiere/rerun status of the stream.

Right now for me the stream of IM Gannikus is displayed only for half of a second while the site is loading. After that it is hidden like you are suggesting @NoForkNight
I don't see any problem. If you don't want to see IM Gannikus VOD's just don't watch it.
"I don't see any problem. If you don't want to see IM Gannikus VOD's just don't watch it."
It glows with yellow font the whole time and distracts... wants me to click on it.

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