
What do you think about Russia vs Ukraine war?

I think the war is cruel because a lot of innocent people from both countries have died
@Gonzalo2568 said in #1:
> I think the war is cruel because a lot of innocent people from both countries have died
@Gonzalo2568 said in #3:
> I don't condemn anyone
You've contradicted your own opinion.
I have a neutral stance on the war between both countries, I think personally that Russia can easly win If they play their cards right althought it will unfortunately be a huge loss for humanity (both sides of the war)
It is not neutral, if one claims to be neutral in a cruel war of aggression one side started - and it was Russia under Putin that started this war on the souvereign state Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022 (after having already violated the contract of Minsk many years before only a few days after it was signed).

No Russian soldier had or has the right to put his feet on the ground of the souvereign nation Ukraine ... Putin is a war criminal.

@WassimBerbar said in #2:
> Do you condemn Russia?
> Do you condemn Ukraine?
@Gonzalo2568 said in #1:
@sdkman said in #8:
> I have a neutral stance on the war between both countries, I think personally that Russia can easly win If they play their cards right althought it will unfortunately be a huge loss for humanity (both sides of the war)
Russia is objectively in the wrong - and they know it or they wouldn't have invaded Crimea with un-uniformed soldiers... they wouldn't have been afraid to show their colors.

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