
Sorting Lichess studies in Folders

Hi all,
I have lot of studies and It becomes really hard to find them and it seems chaotic. Would be a good idea to realize a feature that allows users creating Folders in order to sort studies by themes or something he wants? Eg "Openings", "Tactic Patterns" etc
@glbert That's sonmething I'd like to use, too. But it seems I cannot find any way to add a tag to a study. How can I add a tag?
May it be that this lacks in the german Lichess?
@Alakaluf said in #4:
> May it be that this lacks in the german Lichess?

What exactly do you mean by "german Lichess"?
Are there different country-specific versions of lichess after the "Upgrading lichess to scala3"?
@Tenakel Dialogs, menu-entries and other texts are in german for me. But that's nothing new. And I didn't find a setting to change the language to english.
Click on the Manage topics link below the board in the study (Themen verwalten in German), write a topic name and don't forget to click save there.
@bufferunderrun A big thank you also comes from me. Your reference to this possibility of sorting is also new to me. I used them right away!

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