

@sir-renatosalvaarana said in #22:
> stop talking russian, calm war with ukraine
Brother, can I say stop speaking English, or Korean, or Vietnamese, to calm war in Vietnam, Korea, or some other place?
@I_LIEK_WAZMATZ said in #23:
> Brother, can I say stop speaking English, or Korean, or Vietnamese, to calm war in Vietnam, Korea, or some other place?

1 vietnam is not in war, I know that is Vladamiro Putin the responsable of ukraine.
@sir-renatosalvaarana said in #26:
> 1 vietnam is not in war, I know that is Vladamiro Putin the responsable of ukraine.
Dude, do you know your history? Vietnam war? Ok so you want ongoing wars: stop speaking Ehtiopian to stop civil war in Ehtiopia!!

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