

@wafflesmack - this is a feedback forum. Users are providing feedback. None of the users complaining about the changes are doing so to attack the site or its creators: they want the site to function better, for themselves and for prospective new visitors who may get confused by the anti-conventional approach.

Saying because the site is free we should just STFU and accept whatever happens defeats the purpose of a feedback forum (they should just delete it then). Site navigation for a website is not small stuff at all - even if you have the best content, if you cannot get to or use it effectively, you are sunk.

If you don't like feedback, you are free to ignore it.
I'm going to lock this because it's going in circles. If you have something novel to say, start a new thread and link to this one. A novel thread will have these elements:

i) The criticism will be constructive (it will not just be your concerns, opinions, or thoughts. It will actively address issues you have had with the new design, and offer suggestions on how to improve the design).
ii) It will discuss things in far greater depth or with much less superficiality than in this thread.
iii) Winding narratives and what could be regarded as veiled attacks are obviously not constructive.

Thank you otherwise for the criticisms.

There are, of course, some very good suggestions in this thread (such as changing space bar) which were duly updated. Similarly, the loss of the /games page, which will likely be brought back in some way, shape or form. My own personal suggestion is that on the new menu page, clicking your username should take you to your userpage (because that seems intuitive) and clicking play should take you to /games (because it would bring back the feature).

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