
My lines and markings are not visible in Lichess Studies again!

Dear Lichess Team,

First, thank you very much for your effort and hard work. I truly appreciate it a lot!
Unfortunately, as of a few minutes ago, my lines and markings are no longer visible in Lichess Studies. You know how important that feature is to all of us. Any information on when this bug could be fixed? Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,
I have the same question as for the last 20 minutes - I am creating the lichess studies and looks like the lines are not able to be replayed. I wanted to create the same topic, and checked out this was already the one I wanted to address.

Any @moderators reply will be greatly appreciated!

By the way - the moves from created lichess study are either skipped or unable to get displayed as there is the sound of the pieces moving, but no changed are displayed on the screen :(
I have the same problem with my studies. When I go forward through a line, it executes the first few moves, but then the moves stop being displayed on the board, although you can still hear the sound of the pieces when you move forward.
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Give them time. It's Sunday night in Europe. I am sure this will be fixed at the first opportunity (Monday morning?).
>I know THEY are busy, but I wish THEY would comment. Whoever THEY are.

Well, in fact this was already comment on multiple times. it's just that seeing and replying to every thread/report about the same issue is hard/very time consuming. So some threads will probably not see a reply. In my experience the best place to check is Discord.

You can seed discord for full info :

As also written in discord, I think the fix will be live on the site tomorrow (fix is here : discord comment here :

A workaround for some use cases is that "if you have animations enabled, you can still look through studies with drawings but if you try to move pieces on a board with drawings (which you won't see due to the bug), it will break"

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