

<Comment deleted by user>
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@Diwaditya Do you think that it is funny to write such a bullshit post and then edit it? Well your sense of humor is not really great. Write stuff like that to off-topic forum not here where are people trying to report bugs and suggest features.
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@Diwaditya I will just repeat myself: That does not belong here. Please do not respond to this. I do not want this thread to be spammed with trash only cause of you.
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I had a bug too, but it was not this bug

(Last time I looked in my profile, and saw this:
Had played two correspondence games: 1578 -37 2 wins
Win vs. PlayingchessJff (1500) (This game was unrated, by the way.)
Win vs. seth-777 (1565)
Why said Lichess -37 ? I won 2 games, and before I played this games, my correspondence Elo was 1565.

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